Locale personalization

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at canonical.com
Sun Oct 17 17:48:39 UTC 2004


seadog at sealabs.net [2004-10-15 21:36 +0300]:
> Hello, 
>    I am using warty rc1 and I want to change LC_MESSAGES to POSIX from 
> el_GR because I am used to english menus. I don't want to change LC_LANG 
> because greek won't opperate well. Please reply with the right way to do 
> that (if any), not just a hack, so that no problems arise later.

Please run

  sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

and generate both a greek and an English (en_US or en_GB) locale,
choose the English one as default. Now you can edit /etc/environment
manually and enter whatever combination of LANG/LC_MESSAGES/whatever
you prefer.


Martin Pitt                       http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer            http://www.ubuntulinux.org
Debian GNU/Linux Developer       http://www.debian.org
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