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Justin Conover justin.conover at
Sun Oct 17 15:31:58 UTC 2004

I go away on vacation, update/reboot and this......

1.)  I don't like it, it doesn't scare me but I don't like the idea of
half naked people on my screen, throw some cloths on and there would
have been less complaining.

2.)  I'm embarrased to go to work now, before I left for vacation I
moved  a guy from rh8 to Ubuntu.  Tuesday when I go back to work I'm
going to have to figure out what this guy has to say, (if he hasn't
removed ubuntu already) while he is in the Corprate env. that really
wont like this espically if HR walks by.

I understand Humanity, and I love all people all races, but put some
CLOTHS on and there wouldn't have been much split on this subject. 
Just all around poor taste IMHO.

Like I just mentioned, I don't like it so I can change it, joe-bob at
work, has no idea how to change it and might just remove ubuntu
completly and screw my working relationship up because of some poor
taste images.

Thanks, really ;(

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 19:05:52 -0700, list at
<list at> wrote:
> All do respect to the devs. but I really don't like it. I'd like to have it back the other way. I don't find it offensive, but not tactical or professional.
> So now how would I change it back.  :?
> FX
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