Package request (for Hoary): HTML editor

John Levin john at
Sat Oct 16 21:57:36 UTC 2004

On 16 Oct 2004, at 16:28, Darren Critchley wrote:

> John Levin wrote:
>> Package Request: HTML editor.
>> Sorry folks, but the Open Office Writer/Web is completely 
>> incomprehensible to me. I really don't think it's an adequate tool 
>> for someone's first web page (or anything else).
>> Given the openness of the web etc, I really think that a decent, 
>> graphical, web editor should be included in Ubuntu by default. I 
>> suggest either Mozilla Composer, or its spinoff Nvu.
>> John
> There are at least two that are available from synaptic:
>    Bluefish (which is more for programming than html)
> and Screem which is supposed to be a full fledged html editor.
> You may have to enable universe to find those.

Just to clarify - yep, I know there's various options available in 
universe; my concern is that there should be something better than OO.o 
installed by default.


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