Gnome making hard drive read-only

Mark C lists at
Sat Oct 16 17:00:00 UTC 2004

Chris wrote:

> I don't know if this will help any but if the partition is ext2/3 and
> the "errors=remount-ro" option is set as it normally is then it could
> mean your drive is getting errors and the file-system is remounting
> itself read-only as to prevent further damage.  Could be a failing drive
> or some other issue related to the hardware.

This is only added to the root partition, /dev/hda1, my home partition 
/dev/hda10 is mounted with just 'defaults'.

Even after googling, I still cannot find any reason why this may be 
happening, it's very intermittent, I just done the same Search as 
earlier and this time it works great. I only really started getting 
these errors in Gnome 2.8, so it would seem Gnome related.


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