Package request (for Hoary): HTML editor

de Selby dadaism at
Sat Oct 16 14:31:44 UTC 2004

I personally would like to nominate Screem. Though not WYSIWYG (if
that's what you mean by graphical), I've been using it for the last
few weeks and have found it as feature rich and easy to use as any
Windows-based HTML editor (minus a few bugs here and there). Is it an
"adequate tool for one's first web page" though? Not sure.

de Selby

> From: John Levin <john at>
> Subject: Package request (for Hoary): HTML editor
> Package Request: HTML editor.
> Sorry folks, but the Open Office Writer/Web is completely
> incomprehensible to me. I really don't think it's an adequate tool for
> someone's first web page (or anything else).
> Given the openness of the web etc, I really think that a decent,
> graphical, web editor should be included in Ubuntu by default. I
> suggest either Mozilla Composer, or its spinoff Nvu.
> John
> ------------------------------

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