Community response of new ubuntu artwork

Michael Brandtner michael.brandtner at
Sat Oct 16 09:33:29 UTC 2004

Am Samstag, den 16.10.2004, 01:35 +0100 schrieb Andy:
> > Seriously: Who has problems with three young people in beach-clothing?
> Lots of people - and for various reasons - and even more problems with 
> the nudity on the splash screen. You may not, but please accept that 
> others do.

Ok, but then we have a real problem with people on this pictures.
One is offended because you see too much skin, the next one is offended
because you see black skin, the next one don't like white skin.
The people on this "offending" pictures don't seem to religious islamic,
am sure, theres someone out there who don't like this.

But where is the Ubuntu-Idea left?


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