Installation Problems: powerpc, Release Candidate, B&W G3

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Sat Oct 16 04:52:56 UTC 2004

On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 01:27:34PM -0400, Brett K wrote:

> On Friday 15 October 2004 at 12:42-0400, David McLaughlin
> wrote:
> > Which day's ISO were you able to initially install
> > successfully with? I've tried a couple over the last few
> > weeks, but they've all given me the same error.
> I originally installed with the first iso they posted. I
> believe it was around 15 September. It worked fine for me. I
> don't know if it'll work for you, but they may have a copy of
> it in there archives.

We'll need the dmesg output from the kernel which worked, and the exact
versions of the kernels.  Note that the old kernel is still available on
your system (it was not uninstalled), so you can test booting it and see if
the problem is fixed that way.

The preview CD (15 September) shipped with kernel

 - mdz

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