
andrew fries afries at
Sat Oct 16 02:13:30 UTC 2004

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Freitag, den 15.10.2004, 17:33 -0700 schrieb Jeremy Clark:
>>When trying to install mplayer in wants to install
>>dependecys, Well it can't becuase of this
>>  Depends: libartsc0 but 1.2.3-1 is to be installed
>> Depends: libggi2 but it is not going to be installed
>>  Depends: libungif4g but 4.1.0b1-6 is to be installed
>>How can i fix this?
> click on refresh im synaptic before installing or run 
> or run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal

If only it was this easy! I only just added marillat's sources and 
followed by running apt-get update, but I get the same message as the 
original poster of this thread...

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