Duty of care and crass release management

Richard Morrell ubuntu at dickmorrell.com
Sat Oct 16 01:40:00 UTC 2004

Brett, theres an even bigger issue here.

Lack of intelligent communicative thought.

I can tell you having produced like 21 magazine front cover Linux iso's for
magazines ranging from Linux Format, Linux Journal, PC Pro etc when they wanted
a SW iso for release that if there was a potential risk of controversy or upset
at all to any area of the community that Ubuntu would be dumped faster than you
can say apt-get.

They just would think three times before touching it.

Magazine editors and new adopters are the life blood of any new distro. They're
also your disciples and your prophets. Don't put 99.99999999999999% great work
(and trust me Ubuntu is a major major step that you should be so damn proud of)
and then ruin it by ruining a good day at the office with Pron.

Right now regardless of "voices from the developers", if I was them I'd be
cr*pping myself that I just managed in one fell swoop to alienate every content
manager or feature manager on every Linux friendly magazine that would otherwise
have done you a huge favour in PR and adoption terms by carrying an ISO.

That door is now firmly slammed. Period.

Move fast. Move publically and build some bridges and do it very quickly,
apt-get is your friend and you can fix this in the mix.

People are watching. The people who agree and don't post are the people who'll

Quoting Brett K <ubuntu-users at valx.mailshell.com>:

> On Saturday 16 October 2004 at 02:11+0100, Richard Morrell wrote:
> > . . . Now if you want Ubuntu to be the toy of the home user
> > community - cool you just narrowed your market by 80% in one
> > fell swoop. . . .
> Thank you. That entire post says it all.
> [Sorry Delbert, I just had to give congratulations.]
> --
> Brett
> Power Mac B&W G3 (G4 500MHz Accelerator)
> 1GB/60GB/OS X 10.3.x/OS 9.2/Ubuntu 1.0 Preview
> --
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