Evolution/Exchange errors: could not connect to backend process

Alexander Antoniades sanderant at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 22:01:21 UTC 2004

The current version of the connector will not work with Forms
authentication, which is the default under 2003. If you can convince
your administrator to disable the forms authentication the connector
will work (at least mail does), but it is considered a security to
risk to disable it.

I too had this problem and dug around on the novell.ximian...connector
(I don't remember the exact name) newsgroup and mailing list. Maybe it
will be fixed in the next version.

BTW on our Exchange 2003 server/2003 server set up I was able to
connect using 'domain/name' in the WIndows User name field, Always use
SSL and Use Secure Password. Mail worked, but Calendar and Contacts


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