How to Cancel Ubuntu CD Order?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Oct 15 15:08:49 UTC 2004


Brett K [2004-10-15 11:00 -0400]:
> How can we go about cancelling our order for Ubuntu CDs? I will
> use Ubuntu from the download iso, but I won't be needing any
> CDs to handout (until someone posts an alternate iso with a
> different default theme). I don't want Canonical wasting there
> money sending me CDs that are going to end up in the garbage.

You can change your order by loggin in again to, and set everything to 0 (I guess).

However, the final decision is not yet taken, so maybe you can defer
that until shortly before the release.


Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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