Default Theme v. Community

Gareth Bowker tgb at
Fri Oct 15 11:07:07 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-15 at 00:04 -0500, Kevin Krumwiede wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:25:16 -0500
> "J.B. Nicholson-Owens" <jbn at> wrote:
> > Then what you want isn't software freedom.  What you want is a
> > dictatorship where you and the other complainers who agree with you
> > set the terms for what's acceptable and somehow compel someone else to
> > implement your will at no charge to you.
> And that's *so* much worse than a dictatorship where a few developers on
> a personal crusade ignore the wishes of 95% of their user base.

Where do you get 95% from? Have you asked everyone who's running Ubuntu?

Just because a lot of the replies about this have been criticising the
new theme doesn't mean that it's a representative cross-section of the
Ubuntu userbase. Personally, I like the images, but I'm not going to
spend hours replying to all these messages about the new theme, putting
my view across, because I've got better things to do with my time - the
images don't matter enough to me to warrant spending my time putting my
view across (although admittedly that's what I appear to be doing now!).

Not knowing how many people are on this list, etc, I can't say for
certain, but I assume there's a significant proportion of the list
staying silent, who like the theme or are indifferent and just don't
care enough about this topic to comment one way or another.


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