Default Theme v. Community

Kevin Krumwiede kjkrum at
Fri Oct 15 05:04:24 UTC 2004

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:25:16 -0500
"J.B. Nicholson-Owens" <jbn at> wrote:

> Then what you want isn't software freedom.  What you want is a
> dictatorship where you and the other complainers who agree with you
> set the terms for what's acceptable and somehow compel someone else to
> implement your will at no charge to you.

And that's *so* much worse than a dictatorship where a few developers on
a personal crusade ignore the wishes of 95% of their user base.

You're absolutely right; it's Canonical's project, Canonical's time,
Canonical's money.  They can do whatever they want with it.  But
presumably, they want people to use it.  And if that's the case, they
better get a clue real frickin' quick.  As far as I'm concerned, unless
this change is rolled back before final, the project is dead; I cannot
and will not recommend it to anyone.  And that's a shame, because I was
very much looking forward to doing so.


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