Another, easier way to change gdm splash

Kevin Burns solelist at
Thu Oct 14 07:59:14 UTC 2004

If You go to the "Computer" Dropdown, then to "System Configuration"
there's an option called "Login Screen Setup"  You choose the gdm splash
screen from the "Graphical Greeter" tab.  Right now the only options are
the default gnome splashes or the new Human splash.  You can find more
splash screens at and use the Install theme
button to install them.

To Install the old theme (Which James McCormick put up on gnome-look) go
to: and click
on download.  save the tar.gz file to your home directory and then go
into the Login Screen Setup.  Click on the Graphical Greeter tab, then
Install new theme button.  Locate the 16993-Old-Human-Theme.tar.gz file,
click on it, then click Install.  You will then have two options called
'Human'.  It is the one without a screenshot.

Hope this helps someone!

         - Kevin

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