No root passwd available for booting into Single mode

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Oct 14 02:50:59 UTC 2004

On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 01:57:07AM +0100, Mark C wrote:

> For some reason, I entered the second option down in the Grub menu and 
> started Ubuntu up in single user mode (the singel or 1 option passed to 
> the kernel), as usual I get asked to enter the 'Root' password, then I 
> stopped an realised there isn't one.
> I tried entering mine, just incase this mas been patched, nope!,
> so I tried numerous options, and just ended pressing Contrl-D and 
> booting up as normal.
> Has anyone managed to get a workaround for this, without setting the 
> root password?

You aren't prompted for the root password in single-user mode unless one has
been set.  If the root password is locked in the manner that it is by
default, you are greeted with a root shell immediately.

My first guess would be that you set a root password at some point.

 - mdz

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