Might be a dumb question about GNOME 2.8

Michael Mauch michael.mauch at gmx.de
Wed Oct 13 21:18:19 UTC 2004

Jan Morén wrote:

> One thing I like to do is to move all panel stuff to one panel and
> remove the other. Moving is easy - first right-click on whatever you
> want to move (menu, launcher or whatever), and choose "unlock" if it is
> locked in place. Then either drag it with the middle mouse button, or
> choose "move" in the menu. Once you're done, remove the now empty
> panel. 
> Final thing: a few applets - the clock in particular - will end up being
> killed as well if the original panel is killed, so you will have to add
> it again manually from the panel menu.

You can also drag the applets from one panel onto the other, so you
don't have to re-add them after you killed the first panel.


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