Ubuntu Downgrade to Firefox 0.9.3

Thom May thom at canonical.com
Mon Oct 11 11:56:46 UTC 2004

* Dennis Kaarsemaker (dennis at kaarsemaker.net) wrote :
> Hallo John D'Agostino,
> Op maandag 11 oktober 2004 9:14:46 schreef je:
> > Just wondering why firefox has been downgraded from 1.0PR back to 0.9.3?
Several reasons:
We weren't happy with the stability that both we as developers and the user
community were seeing with 1.0PR - there have been a large number of bugs
filed about stability problems since 1.0PR was uploaded. We need to be able
to support our releases in the long term, and this would significantly
effect our ability to do this.
The lack of localisation for 1.0PR was also a large concern - rolling back
to 0.9.3 allows us to support most major languages.

We realise that this is a significant step which is why we've been trying to
fix problems rather than do this, but we've now run out of time with no
apparent resolution in sight.

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