Info on kernel choice

Thom May thom at
Wed Oct 13 14:20:22 UTC 2004

* de Selby (dadaism at wrote :
> Anyway, I have a general question on kernel upgrades: I installed
> Ubuntu from a pre-release version downloaded a few weeks ago - I'm
> thinking about upgrading my system now or in the near future
> (according to the instructions at
> ) but I'm at a
> loss as to which kernel to chose (linux-386, linux-k7, linux-k7-smp,
> linux-686 or linux-686-smp). Could someone provide a link to some
> information on  these choices or perhaps a brief explanation of them?
> I'm having difficulty sorting out all of the information on kernel's
> that my searches are bringing up.
> FYI, I'm running Ubuntu on a Toshiba laptop with a Pentium Celeron
> processor - I imagine any of the above choices would work, but how do
> I decide which is best?.

386 is the default kernel. it has no optimisations, and is mainly useful for
bootstrapping machines and as a fall back.
k7 is the model name for AMD Athlon processors, and k7-smp is for multiprocessor
athlon systems.
Similarly, 686 is for Intel and compatible pentium-pro or better, with
686-smp being for multiprocessor machines.
So you want 686.

That sounds like a lot of work... Can we out source?
The Revolution will not be outsourced!
(Slick/Monique - Sinfest)

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