Unwanted syslog printing

Jan Morén jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Wed Oct 13 14:00:17 UTC 2004

ons 2004-10-13 klockan 06:36 -0700 skrev Hudson Delbert J Contr 61
> dt is spot on. they are timestamp entries generated by syslod itself.
> they are usefull and show thet status of the logger itself.

They may be useful - but not printing straight over all the terminals;
also, it freaking beeps the internal speaker every single time.

> wonder if it might not serve the purpose by shutting down syslod if the
> machine is 
> that in-active or when cron rolls these you could have a script ignor them
> by using 'cat syslog | grep -v "-- MARK --"' > new_syslog and archive it
> w/out
> the timestamp. 

Huh? I don't quite follow you? I don't understand how that would stop
syslog from printing its stuff onto every open terminal?

> ~piranha
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of doubletwist
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:28 AM
> To: ubuntu-users
> Subject: Re: Unwanted syslog printing
> janne wrote:
> > For some reason, syslog is occasionally printing stuff onto the active
> > terminal. Every twenty minutes, I get a "localhost -- MARK --" line from
> > syslog. Postfix, too, was printing some warnings regularily until I got
> > fed up and stopped the daemon altogether (why is it running at all, btw?
> > No other "real" server stuff is running by default after all). It goes
> > without saying that this behavior is getting rather annoying.
> > 
> > I sort of suspect it's the xconsole-related lines in /etc/syslog.conf
> > that are the cause. Is there any good reason to not just comment away
> > that thing altogether?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> I believe if you put -m 0  after the syslogd line in /etc/init.d it will 
> stop putting those MARK's. Or you can put -m n  to make the MARK entries 
> every n minutes. I think they're just there to give an indication that 
> syslog is still running properly if there is nothing else being logged.
> DT
> -- 
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