Might be a dumb question about GNOME 2.8

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Wed Oct 13 12:49:05 UTC 2004

Am Mittwoch, den 13.10.2004, 08:36 -0400 schrieb Bryan Pizzuti:
>  Are there any settings/themes/etc out there that might make it
> a little more comfortable/space-efficient, or should I just live with it? ;)
> Because besides that, I love GNOME 2.8 and would likely rather live with it
> than switch to another window manager....well, maybe. Probably. 

it mostly depends on the fonts, i run 1024x786 on my laptop with 8pt
font and 
50% iconsize (adjustable in the nautilus preferences) , it "feels" like
1280x1024 ;-) 


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