Monthly calendar

volvoguy volvoguy at
Wed Oct 13 06:21:18 UTC 2004

On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:15:48 +0900, janne <jan.moren at> wrote:

> Now that's a neat concept! Suddenly I'm torn between my current
> favourite image (Osaka at dusk) and the calendar.
> Do you have plans to actually update this every month? Do you need
> images or image suggestions?

I agree. The new desktop images rock. Is it possible though that new
images could be added to the existing instead of replacing them? That
may make for a big download after a while, but I sure liked the simple
blue-ish image as well.

I don't know why I never discovered this before, but I was having tons
of fun last night playing with SVG files as desktop images. It's cool
with a transparent background and semi-transparent logo in the SVG
file. You can just use that one file and change the desktop color as
often as  you want - making the semi-transparent logo change colors
too. (yes, I'm a geek AND a graphic designer :-)

I was thinking about adding some of my "doodles" to the wiki, but
right now the whole issue of thumbnailed images is kind of sketchy (or
I just don't understand how to do it). The SVG files are pretty small
- maybe I'll just link to them with some good descriptive text.

As far as the monthly desktops go, a little unobtrusive calendar in
the corner might be cool too. :-)


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