Intel 82852 driver install problem

Can Sar csar at
Wed Oct 13 04:08:45 UTC 2004

Yeah, I had that problem. They updated the versions. Its now called  
If you want a list of all version try just linux-headers


On Oct 12, 2004, at 9:05 PM, Matthew D. Peavy wrote:

> Matt and others,
> so sorry. The original question was covered in the FAQ.  Mea culpa.
> Now, though, when I type:
> |sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
> I get the message:
> E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-
> I have the Ubuntu install disk in the CD drive and the ethernet cable  
> plugged in.
> Typing   uname -a   gives:
> Linux ubuntu #1 Tue Sep 14 10:30:08 BST 2004 i686  
> GNU/Linux
> Thanks for your help,
> Matt.
> |
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 08:11:49PM -0600, Matthew D. Peavy wrote:
>> / Hi fellow Ubuntu users,
> />/ />/ I finished my Ubuntu 4.10 install recently and found that the  
> resolution />/ was only 800x600.  Intel has a Linux driver for my  
> 82852 graphics card. />/ />/  
> strOSs=39&strTypes=DRV%2CARC&ProductID=922&OSFullName=Linux*&submit=Go% 
> 21  
> < 
> strOSs=39&strTypes=DRV%2CARC&ProductID=922&OSFullName=Linux*&submit=Go% 
> 21>
> />/ />/ After downloading and unzipping it, I had a problem installing  
> the />/ thing.  These instructions were for SuSE.
> />/ I run the script.  The error message is as follows:
> />/ />/ make -C /lib/modules/ />/  
> SUBDIRS=/home/matthew/dripkg/agpgart-2.0 modules
> />/ make: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or  
> directory.  />/ Stop.
> />/ make: *** [default] Error 2
> />/ Makefile.linux:139: *** Cannot find a kernel config file.  Stop.
> />/ />/ ----------
> />/ />/ So, can someone point me in the correct direction?
> /
> This is answered in the FAQ.
> -- 
> - mdz
> -- 
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