where to find a recent libtermcap.so?

h.engemann at basicartstudios.de h.engemann at basicartstudios.de
Tue Oct 12 17:58:33 UTC 2004

Martin Pitt wrote:

>Heiko Engemann [2004-10-12 16:05 +0200]:
>>i try to run a tool that i need.
>And you cannot recompile it?
>>When i start the process it gives me this error:
>>error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open
>>shared object file: No such file or directory
>libtermcap is actually sort of obsolete. On a current Ubuntu system
>it is linked to the ncurses library.
>If you are really stuck with the binary and cannot rebuild from
>source, you could try to hack around this by
>  sudo ln -s libtermcap.so /usr/lib/libtermcap.so.2
>This will create a symlink to the current library. However, no
>guarantees, it might fail miserably.
>Good luck!
after some unsuccesfull tries i got it compiled, seems to work now.

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