Firefox bookmarks gone! (more info)

Kevin Krumwiede kjkrum at
Mon Oct 11 23:53:06 UTC 2004

On Sun, 10 Oct 2004 00:44:48 -0700
Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at> wrote:

> $ sudo -s
> # echo $HOME
> /home/daniel
> $ sudo su -
> #  echo $HOME
> /root
> Now you can probably see why running "sudo firefox" will problem
> create problesm once firefox start changing things in your .mozilla
> directory in your home directory, and not root's .mozilla.  That's why
> the bookmarks file got clobbered.

Thanks for the info.  This still seems like a Firefox bug, though.  If
it was really a matter of root's bookmarks overwriting mine, it seems
Firefox is using one method to locate the bookmarks file when it's
loaded, and a different method when it's saved.  If it always used $HOME
to locate the bookmarks file, this wouldn't happen.


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