Applying updates

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Sun Oct 10 09:59:38 UTC 2004

Hi Kusuma!

Kusuma Sujiwo [2004-10-05 16:37 +1000]:
> I was wondering how can I apply any updates/patches from ubuntu, in 
> particular the security-related patches. Is it as simple as editing 
> sources.list and apt-get update? If yes, which url should I include in 
> the sources.list? TIA

Yes, it is that simple. Just put

deb warty-security main restricted

into your /etc/apt/sources.list (it should already be there, at least
commented out). If you also want the sources, you should add another
line similar to the one above, but with 'deb-src' instead of 'deb'.


Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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