Linux Stand Alone Database?

Martin Maney ubuntu at
Sun Oct 10 05:28:17 UTC 2004

On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 01:08:39PM +0800, John wrote:
> I've also seen a howto in interfacing OOo to one of the SQL packages, I 
> don't remember whether it was for mySQL or postgresql. How it compares 
> to filemaker I've no idea.

I've never seen Filemaker, either, so I have no idea how OOo's database
part compares, but I did have it talking to postgres at one point.  The
only tricky bit was that it needs the comparatively obscure ODBC
connector (I hope I'm remembering the meaningless-to-me acronym

Anyway, it was, well, it was a GUI database thingy.  :-)  I find those
things more cumbersome than helpful, myself, but the apps I work on run
to a dozen and up tables, I really really want consistency constraints,
transactions are a must, etc.  So it's hard for me to appreciate the
GUI tools on their own terms, I'm afraid.

Then I can figure out what the information-support needs are and
build a prototype for people to respond to.  This works, because
people generally don't know what they need, but they can tell you
with certainty when you get it wrong.  -- Paul Murphy

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