ETH Interface names

limaunion limaunion at
Sun Oct 10 01:19:57 UTC 2004

Jan Kokoska wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 12:11 -0300, limaunion wrote:
>>I'm having a very simple problem, my workstation has two network 
>>interfaces (forcedeth & ne2k-pci drivers), under FC1 eth0=ne2k-pci and 
>>eth1=forcedeath (actually I use the nvnet driver in FC1), but under 
>>Ubuntu it's the opposite (eth0=forcedeth & eth1=ne2k-pci); I want to 
>>revert this and keep the FC naming, any suggestions/comments ? Why does 
>>this happens ? Another thing is that if I don't see eth0 from GNOME's 
> Order of loading of driver modules. You can specify it directly
> in /etc/modules or use logical names based on MAC address. You would
> most likely need a script for this, see "man interfaces".
> Editing /etc/modules is definitely the easier way around.
> Regards,
> Jan

Jan, thanks for the tip! it's working now as desired! (eth0=ne2k-pci).
I'm having another problem, my forcedeth card (eth1) isn't initialized
while booting the kernel, shouldn't be loaded automatically ? manually
works; maybe you or someone else can help me again :)


Some info:
forcedeth.c: Reverse Engineered nForce ethernet driver. Version 0.28.
eth1: forcedeth.c: subsystem: 01043:80a7 bound to 0000:00:04.0

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

# The secondary network interface
iface eth1 inet static

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