grub error on ubuntu stanza

Jan Kokoska kokoskaj at
Sat Oct 9 20:05:25 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 19:11 +0200, Johan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am used to just copy over the stanza of other installed flavours to
> the new install menu.lst. Been doiing this for years.
> Surprise .. installed mdk 10.1 CE copied over ubuntu stanza as usaual
> but no ways error..
> Error 1 : Filename must be either an absolute path or blocklist.
> This is new to me.
> kindly please whats is different in ubuntu to cause this?

It cannot find the kernel for selected stanza. Well, since it is not
where it expects it to be. Enter GRUB command line and using tabbing
completion see what kernels are available on each partition. It may be
that you have separate boot partition and point your stanza to root
partition with empty /boot directory or something such.

To mechanically copying configuration it is preferable to understand it
- it gives a chance for debugging when something goes wrong.


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