burning cds

Bill Stoye skiffworks at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 9 16:13:33 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 08:49 -0700, Bob D. wrote:
> The easiest way is to use the CD burning abilities in Nautilus. You can
> write ISO's to disk by right clicking the ISO and selecting "Write to
> disk...". To burn files (data, etc.) to a CD, open the window with the
> files you want, click on the Places menu in that window and select CD
> Creator. This will open the CD/DVD Creator window. You can drag and drop
> your files to the CD Creator window, then select select "Write to
> disk..." from the File menu.
> There may be other, better ways, but this works for me. :)

It is very nice and has worked well for me; however I can't burn a CD
that plays in my home CD player; I guess that is, it doesn't burn
to .wav files(if I have the file type right). Can you tell me how to do
that? ISO files are a piece of cake, no hidden menu to hunt for.


> I haven't tried it yet, but you may want to also take a look at Coaster
> (http://www.coaster-burn.org/). Will take a bit of work to install it at
> this point but it looks very promising. IIRC, I saw a message here
> saying the Ubuntu team was looking at Coaster as replacement for using
> Nautilus down-the-road (Hoary?).
> Bob
> On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 16:22 +0100, Hugo Monteiro wrote:
> > my ubuntu doesnt detect any writer and reader, i installed xcdroast and 
> > it only detects the writer but doesnt burn , anyone knows a way to start 
> > writing cds ?
> > 

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