Can't run Network Settings gui (gnome-system-tools)

Nitebirdz nitebirdz at
Sat Oct 9 00:15:22 UTC 2004

On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 09:47:07PM +0100, Neil Woolford wrote:
> Hi,
> I've damaged my Network Settings gui, just by having some kind of crash 
> while using it.
> Now whenever I start it I get an error message "The configuration could not 
> be loaded".
> Calling the software from a root terminal as 'network-admin' gives a 
> terminal Warning that "authentication has been rejected", followed by 
> "Entity line 60 parser error :  extra content at the end of document..."
> I've tried reinstalling gnome-system-tools, (using Synaptics) in the hope 
> that I'd repair the problem by doing that, but the problem is still there.
> What should I try next?

I hope someone corrects me if I'm wrong, but in order to allow people to
troubleshoot this problem you could collect an strace of the application
when it's launching.  Something like this would do:

  # strace -fro /tmp/network-admin.strace network-admin

You can then send the "/tmp/network-admin.strace" file to the list for


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