Floppy install

Jan Kokoska kokoskaj at seznam.cz
Fri Oct 8 12:20:54 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 13:42 +0200, Alex wrote:
> I've got a laptop on which I succeeded in installing debian from floppy 
> then cd-rom because it won't boot from cd. Is it possible to do this 
> with ubuntu.. some kind of floppy boot system... i tried Smart boot 
> manager present on ISO, smb.bin that is, no luc as cd-rom does not 
> appear on menu. My laptop is a Satellite Pro 400 CS.
> Any advice appreciated thx

You mean that using:

Creating a floppy, booting from it, you don't have the CDROM option in
SMB menu? That would be starnge indeed, does the cdrom work at all? ;)

Is it enabled in BIOS? Have you been regularly using it before?

Looks like a hardware issue, or BIOS (consider flashing it with whatever
is the latest/final version).



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