Correct Way To Disable Loading A Module?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Oct 7 13:30:14 UTC 2004


bill g [2004-10-07  9:19 -0400]:
> Specifically, I use an Nvidia card and the Nvidia driver.  I want to
> enable  Nvidia's agpgart via an optional xf86config, but don't know
> how to avoid loading the other module.  It isn't listed in
> /etc/modules.  

Then hotplug loads it automatically. If you want to keep hotplug from
loading a module "foo", then create a new file in
/etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/ (name does not matter, but take something
descriptive like 'nvidia') and put "foo" into it.

It will not be loaded on the next hotplug run (i. e. on reboot). Until
then, you can manually unload the module with

  sudo rmmod foo


Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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