OT but entertained (and i need help)

Daniel Saunders daniel.saunders at csiro.au
Thu Oct 7 02:11:03 UTC 2004

Aroon Pahwa <viperstyx <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hey guys, this actually isnt even really a linux question but sort of
> related.  My friend is running OSX on her TiBook.  Her friend changed
> her terminal prompt to read "Physics majors are confused by computer
> $".  While funny....its getting old!  Anyone know how to change this? 
> Some sort of bash config file?
> Thanks!

Sounds like your friend is spot on - you are confused!!

The file you should be looking for is .bashrc.  When you open a terminal window
run 'ls -a' so see ALL thfe files (including hidden ones) and then run your
favourite editor to change the settings in .bashrc (ie. vim .bashrc or emacs
.bashrc).  Should do the trick.

(Note: I'm assuming here that there's a .bashrc in your home directory under OS
X.  Maybe you should google '.bashrc OS X' and see what happens.)


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