XSane Problems

Andy ubuntu at arda.demon.co.uk
Thu Oct 7 00:52:32 UTC 2004

Glad I could help. I'm still learning but I'll help where I can.

Bill Stoye wrote:
> Interesting, I found adding myself to the list easier using 'gedit' than
> the GUI, which I found confusing.
> Thanks for your help, I've learned more this past week following the
> list, than the previous three months.

GUIs obviously have their place, and they can reduce the chance of doing 
something stupid, but I think that once you have some idea what you are 
doing it's still quicker and easier to edit a text file than to click 
your way around a GUI. Not everyone agrees with me though - particularly 
people from the MS Windows world (ever tried to do serious hacking on 
the Windows registry with the normal regedit though? Yuck!).



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