Various problems

antongiulio antongiulio at
Wed Oct 6 22:31:54 UTC 2004

(sorry for my english)

I'm a new user of Ubuntu, and I like it very very much!

But there are various little problems:

1) My keyboard is not setted to my language (italian) that I have choosed

2) I cannot choice gnome themes (gnome theme manager start but don't change theme)

3) bash (with gnome-terminal) has not "coloured" dir, files, ecc, only black and white

4) Many gnome apps are not listed with relative icon in menu (for example gnome-theme-manager)

5) How to start synaptic from gnome panel icon launch? Every time I got "only root can start it" and not a requirement of password typical for root app...

6) I want install mplayer mplayer-codecs (not free codecs too) and mplayer-plugins but in my repositories they are not presents. Exist another repositories for these extras packages (nvidia driver too)?

Thank you very much


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