Boot speed

Wed Oct 6 17:40:09 UTC 2004

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 06:28:34PM +0100, Benjamin Roe wrote:
> Does anyone have any tips for reducing the boot time? I've already
> stopped all the non-essential services (syslog,pcmcia etc), prelinked
> everything etc. A lot of time seems to be spent in running the various
> pci.rc, usb.rc scripts - is there a way to skip these?

	I see that the hardware recognition process take too much time, but
	Im new with Ubuntu and I haven't check this process internally.

	Taking my experience with others distros that uses hardware
	recognitions and activations routines, this try to load all possible
	kernel modules for each device but, Why don't use lspci output and
	use some kind of hardware DB to see which kernel modules to load?
	maybe that  will be fastern

> Thanks,
> Ben

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