Warty and the Pentax

John dingo at coco2.arach.net.au
Wed Oct 6 09:48:03 UTC 2004

Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hi!
> John [2004-10-06 15:51 +0800]:
>>Ubuntu mounted the thing and Nautilus opened a window on it.
>>I didn't do it _my_ way (forget the Window, and _please_ don't mount rw 
>>by default), but it did do it.
>>How do I control that?
> Computer -> Desktop Settings -> Removable media. There you can control
> whether to automatically mount devices, whether to open a window for
> them etc. Unfortunatly you cannot (yet) control to mount it ro.

I am not sure I want this behaviour for _any_ user. Let's say my system 
is ubuntu.unwired.lan. It's a big box, supporting lots of users who boot 
their lesser boxes and start X:
X -query ubuntu.unwired.lan

Someone plugs in a USB (or firewire) drive.
Who gets the open window?

I should also mention I had to be root to unmount it (no entry for it in 

> This required pmount support, but this is outside the Warty timeframe.
> Can you please file an "enhancement! bug for this if you require it
> and want to see it in the next release (Hoary)?

I'm currently waiting on advice from Thom regarding why I've not heard 
from Buzilla.

Until that's resolved, I can't talk to Bugzilla.

However, I will say that I think the current behaviour imprudent: people 
are too likely to just pull the plug on the drive*. At best, that means 
the disk needs to be fscked, and I've not seen any mechanism for doing 
that automatically.

Also, if the drive is automatically mounted tw, doing a filsystem check 
becomes tricky.

*Just like we've all done for decades with floppies.

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