Warty and the Pentax

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Wed Oct 6 06:40:03 UTC 2004

On Mon, Oct 04, 2004 at 10:29:38AM +0800, John wrote:

> I plugged in the camera, turned it on and waited.
> and waited.
> and opened up a terminal to see what was going on. Nothing was mounted.
> then a dialogue popped up, "import photos." I was impressed, even though 
> it seemed a little slow.

Do other USB devices work OK?  Long delays are sometimes an indication of
USB timeouts, as a result of IRQ problems, etc.

This sounds somewhat like:


which is a bug that we don't have very much information about, because the
reporter is MIA.

> I started to fill in the form, then was informed "no camera detected."

This sounds like:


 - mdz

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