mounting usb cdroms

Aroon Pahwa viperstyx at
Tue Oct 5 20:03:10 UTC 2004

I used a USB CDrom drive to install Ubuntu on my IBM X40 but now that
I'm in Ubuntu I can figure out how to do anything with the drive.  A
cdrom drive is listed under the 'disks' folder and the device
associated with it is /dev/scd0.

so i guess my question is how do i mount my usb cdrom drive?  assume i
know nothing... ; )

also, the reason i need the cdrom drive is because synaptic wants the
my Ubuntu cd to install g++.  is there anyway to tell synaptic to
install everything from the internet instead of the cd?  i know im not
going to have this cdrom drive everytime i need it!

thanks in advance!


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