Live CD - Directions on CD label

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Tue Oct 5 16:54:14 UTC 2004

There is also a Windows section on the Live CD now, which contains some 
FOSS for Windows and some information. (see: for a demo.) Please test this part 
too. It should autostart when you insert the Live CD under Windows.

The CD label could have some basic info as you suggest, and then refer 
to documentation available when browsing from Windows. Suggestions for 
appropriate text is welcome.

- Henrik

Tristan Rhodes wrote:

> Greetings,
> I was wondering if there are going to be any directions on the Live 
> CD?  Some important things include...
> * This Live CD will not make any permanent changes to your system.  It 
> is safe to use.
> * This Live CD will run slower compared to installing Ubuntu Linux on 
> your hard drive.
> * Directions on how to use the Live CD
>     - Insert CD
>     - Reboot PC
>     - Start using Ubuntu! (If there is a login, provide that info)
> Perhaps some information can be put on the website, where only a link 
> is needed on the CD label. For instance, how to get your PC to boot 
> from the CD drive (Include instructions for changing BIOS settings on 
> major PC brands).
> Go Ubuntu!
> Tristan Rhodes

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