Webmin Not Installing Correctly Without Root Password

Stefan Kluth skluth at mppmu.mpg.de
Tue Oct 5 15:20:19 UTC 2004

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Brett Kirksey wrote:

> On Tuesday 05 October 2004 at 16:54+1300, Jim Cheetham wrote:
> > Brett Kirksey wrote:
> > > Seems like something should be changed about this package to get it
> > > working correctly under Ubuntu.
> >
> > Well, that's the whole point of 'universe' - these are unsupported
> > packages that have *compiled* for ubuntu, but not been integrated with it.
> >
> > If you can work out a process for installing webmin without creating a
> > root password, then describe it on the list. Perhaps someone will make a
> > patch for the package - universe packages will be updated if someone
> > else provides the patch for it :-)
> Since I have no idea how the installer or packages work, I can't be of
> much help. If the "setup.sh" were included in the package as it is with
> other distributions, then one could just run that script to get it
> working properly. Other than that, it's beyond me. :-(

Another solution is to enable the root account using the same password as
the first user (the one with the sudo rights) right after ubuntu is
installed.  This avoids accidentally breaking packages from universe which
expect a working root account; k3b(setup) and webmin are already two
popular examples.

IMHO, this is what ubuntu should do in the first place on installation.
I do like the "sudo way" of system administration, but I also like
ubuntu/main to be compatible with the universe.  I'd be interested to hear
why this proposal is a bad idea.  If ubuntu was already configured this
way the traffic on this list would be significantly lower und you (the
ubuntu team) would have even more happy users.

Cheers, Stefan

---Stefan Kluth, PhD----------Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter-----------
-  MPI fuer Physik         -  phone:  +49 89 32354 468  -      OPAL&  -
-  Foehringer Ring 6       -  fax:    +49 89 32354 305  -      ATLAS  -
---D-80805 Munich, Germany----e-mail: skluth at mppmu.mpg.de--------------

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