Zip drive setup?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Oct 5 12:08:08 UTC 2004

Hi thephotoman!

On 2004-10-03 16:19 -0500, thephotoman wrote:
> I'm trying to set up my Zip 750 drive, which Knoppix and Fedora Core 1 
> told me was on /mnt/sda4 (analagous to /media/sda4), yet the /dev/sda4 
> directory doesn't do anything for me.  How do I set up a block device so 
> that I can access this drive?

This device should appear automatically as soon as the correct driver
is loaded, so I assume this does not happen. Do you have an USB or a
parallel port ZIP? Can you please post the result of 

  dmesg | tail -20

immediately after you plugged in/switched on the device?

Martin Pitt             
Ubuntu Developer  
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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