Ubuntu in VMWare 4.5 (+ IBM X40 installs)

Chris ubuntu at functionalfuture.com
Tue Oct 5 11:22:08 UTC 2004

> Most interesting... I tried installing Ubuntu on VirtualPC and VMware 4.5, 
> both failed.
> On VMware 4.5 (Windows), it failed on installing the base-package, so I have 
> no idea how to be able to install that linux-headers-* package above. Any 
> hint ?

I haven't tried it in Windows VMware, but it should work the same.  I was 
using a Warty daily snapshot though.  Which version of Ubuntu were you 

I believe I was also using an IDE virtual drive for the main drive. I 
believe the default is SCSI which causes problems some times.

// Chris

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