Some GNOME related problems in Ubuntu (Warty)

Santanu Chatterjee thisissantanu at
Tue Oct 5 09:34:32 UTC 2004

Hi everybody,

First of all, thank you guys for this avatar of
I always wanted a Debian that was uptodate, and being
a GNOME fan, Ubuntu was always going to be something 
great for me.

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu warty a few days
The installation was more or less smooth. More on that
another mail. For now I would like to mention the
following problems I am facing in GNOME:

Suppose I have a file and Nautilus has already
detected a default
application to open the file (in my case, totem to
open a mpeg file).
Now I want to add another application to the list (I
added mplayer).
This can be done easily. But, when I try to open the
properties menu
for the file and try to make my supplied application
the default one
to open that type of file, it does not happen. Is this
a bug or am
I missing something?
Also, suppose I right click on the desktop and use the
menu to create an
empty file on the desktop (automatically named 'new
file'). Then I click
on that file. Nautilus is unable to open that file.
So, I go to the
properties menu for that file and tell Nautilus to
open the file using
an application (/usr/bin/gedit). As soon as I press
'Enter' (or click on
the 'Add' button), Nautilus crashes!! This happens
everytime I follow the
above mentioned steps. Is this a bug with Ubuntu or
Nautilus? Has anyone experienced this?

I would appreciate any help on how to solve these 


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