dist-upgrade Warty -> Sid?

Jonathan jbyrne at frontbridge.com
Tue Oct 5 04:45:56 UTC 2004

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 10:50:06AM +0800, John wrote:

>The man did specify 3.3. I'm running 3.2 on Sarge, so I assumed 
>he's fussy.

Precisely so.  I run Sid at home and found KDE 3.3 to be quite
nice.  I installed Ubuntu on my machine at work (and a very
impressive distro, I must say!), and promptly installed KDE
from Universe, but was disappointed that it wasn't 3.3.
3.2.x works well enough, but 3.3 is nicer.

But, since Matt says updates from Sid will start flowing into
Hoary on or about Oct. 13, I'll just wait.  Ubuntu is very
smooth with few problems, so I won't risk usetting the
applecart by dist-upgrading it to Sid :-)

Just to echo what so man others have said, Ubuntu really
rocks! I switched from RH to Debian rather than move to 
the RH 8 (still can't stomach Bluecurve) and I'm quite
comfortable with Plain Old Debian and have tried most of
the betas and RC1 of the new installer just to try them out,
but still, if I were setting up a Debian box for myself or
someone else right now, I'd just reach for an Ubuntu CD

Now if only there was an option to choose KDE instead of
Gnome :-)  But I know that'll come soon enough.  You can't
do everything at once, and the Ubuntu team has done a terrific
job of putting this all together.  Well done!

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John the Revelator! Wrote the book of the seven seals
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