Webmin Not Installing Correctly Without Root Password

Brett Kirksey ubuntu-users at valx.mailshell.com
Tue Oct 5 02:13:53 UTC 2004

I have Webmin installed on OS X and Yellow Dog Linux. I set them up 
using the "setup.sh" script that is installed with Webmin. However, when 
I just installed Webmin using Synaptic, it does something different.

While installing it tells you that it uses its own username and password 
files, and it will create a user named "root" in its username file and 
it will copy your root password over from the system to its password file.

Big problem, by default Ubuntu doesn't have a root password. Big problem 
number 2, apparently this package of Webmin does not include a 
"setup.sh" script so you can create a new login username and password. 
So, you are a left with an install that you can't log into.

I worked around it by uninstalling it, assigning root a password, and 
reinstalling it. Now I can manage the users and use it properly.

Seems like something should be changed about this package to get it 
working correctly under Ubuntu.


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