Can't Install GNUCash

Brett Kirksey ubuntu-users at
Tue Oct 5 00:22:33 UTC 2004

Oliver Grawert wrote:

> in synaptic open settings/repositories and uncheck checkbox 1-3, then 
> check 4-7, click ok and reload your package lists, afterwards you can
> search for gnucash and install it.

Thanks, I'll give that a shot.

Why is it that 4-7 need to be on? Right now I've got the CD, 
main-restricted-universe, and security repositories checked. As far as I 
could tell I was seeing everything, and I've been able to install from 
restricted and universe. So I'm a little confused as to why GNUCash 
would require me to have repositories 4-7 on?

Just curious,

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