SATA issues when booting Ubuntu

Joshua Bassett josh.bassett at
Mon Oct 4 23:58:57 UTC 2004

I've got a Gigabyte 7N400 Pro2 board which (I think) uses a Silicon
Image sil3112A SATA controller.

lsmod reveals that the sata_sil kernel module has indeed been loaded.
However, I believe the problem is that this module is not loaded (and
thus the drive not present) at the time fstab is processed. Some time
after fstab is processed this module gets loaded fine, that's why I
can mount it manually after init is over (mount /home).

Is there any way I can explicitly load my modules *before* fstab-ing?
Can anyone else relate to this situation? As I said in a previous
email, Debian Sid seems to suffer from the same symptoms for me.

Thanks everyone,


On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 01:23:37 +0200, Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at> wrote:
> Which SATA chipset do you have?

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