Installing ubuntu on a USB hd

f.zamboni at f.zamboni at
Mon Oct 4 21:20:44 UTC 2004

Hi to everybody...
I'd like to install the new ubuntu (a really wonderful distro, I've to 
say...) on a usb2.0 hd, with the aim of being able to use it for 
maintenance with the hundreds of cd-less and floppy-less linux pc I've 
to administer (thing that at the moment I do it with a knoppix).

Now, I successfully installed it on that external drive, but it refuse 
to restart going on kernel panic. I presume thata cause is being unable 
to load usb drivers before attempting to mount root... on the net I've 
found scarce documentation on how to proceed rebuilding the initrd to 
include that drivers... could somebody give suggestions and/or point me 
to some resource on the web? Does ubuntu have some particularity in this 
Also, I would like to suggest to the developers that including this 
option directly from the installer could be a cool feature for ubuntu... 
from a systemistic point of view, having a complete personalized linux 
distribution on usb hd to be taken around would be unvaluable, even more 
than a on-cd one....(hint,hint...;-))

Thanks to everybody...

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