[Fwd: Re: no mouse after install]

Andy ubuntu at arda.demon.co.uk
Mon Oct 4 19:17:48 UTC 2004

Thomas Gill wrote:
> Matthew Garrett wrote:
>> On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 08:55 -0700, Thomas Gill wrote:
>>> I tried the previous advice, but response to sudo command was: 
>>> xserver-xfree not installed
>> That ought to be xserver-xfree86 , not xserver-xfree
> Will try this, but still unclear what to do if command successful.

I think I can clarify what is being suggested here (if I've missed
anything or got it wrong, someone please correct me):

Basically the first command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" is
updating your X window configuration.

Then they are suggesting that you check the contents of the X windows
configuration file. Actually I believe that they got the filename
slightly wrong - it should be:


Nano is a text editor which you can run from the command line, and the
-w option stops it wrapping long lines, so to load the configuration
file into the editor use:

nano -w /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

Control-O allows you to save the file, with another name if desired
(i.e. "Save as..."), and Control-X exits.

Scroll down to the file until you find an "InputDevice" section - it
shold look much like the one in the earlier message. If not, post that
section as a reply for us to look at. We'll see if we can figure out
what's wrong.



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